St Alban’s Catholic Primary School Curriculum Intent Statement
The curriculum at St Alban’s is designed so that every child will have a rich and varied learning experience where their individual skills and talents are
nurtured and valued as members of God’s family. Our Mission Statement underpins the vision for our children, to learn, grow and flourish. We want our
children to develop spiritually, morally socially and culturally, promoting fundamental British Values to be well rounded citizens.
We believe that all our pupils deserve a curriculum that is bespoke, aspirational and matched to their needs, regardless of background or academic ability.
We aim to provide a curriculum that gives our children the opportunity to learn skills and knowledge through first hand experiences. Our goal is that our
curriculum will encourage and inspire all pupils to use their talents to fulfil their potential and to become life-long learners.
Our ambition is that the children leave St Alban’s equipped for their next stage of learning, confident, curious, resilient and able to thrive in an ever
changing world. They will be ambitious for their future learning and their contributions as global citizens and stewards of creation.
Our Curriculum will provide:
• A solid and secure grounding in the core subjects of English and Maths, which consolidates and builds on prior learning and meets the needs of all pupils.
• A broad and balanced curriculum, to enable all pupils to apply their knowledge, skills and individual talents across a range of subject areas and to be
passionate about their learning.
• Curriculum enhancement opportunities, such as educational visits and visitors, extracurricular activities and hands-on learning experiences.
• A culture of aspiration, where high expectations are set, and all pupils are encouraged to be ambitious and challenge themselves.
• Life skills that focus on empowering pupils to develop growth mind-sets, resilient attitudes, an understanding of cultural diversity, a respect for the
community that we live in and learning about the importance of keeping healthy.
• Effective social, moral, spiritual and cultural education, through our R.E. and PSHE and through cross curricular links across all subjects, in order to develop
each of our pupils as a whole person.
Inspired by God's love, we celebrate our gifts as we learn and grow together