Religious Education

RE teaching at St Alban's
The teaching of RE at St Alban’s forms the cornerstone of the school’s Catholic ethos and permeates all areas of school life. It is at the heart of our philosophy of education and is lived out through our mission statement.
Our curriculum is rooted in a religious understanding of life, where the Gospel Values underpin our efforts to provide a quality education for all that recognises the value of each individual as special and unique in the image and likeness of God.
Religious Education at St Alban’s is about engaging with the deepest questions of life and finding reasons for the hope which is within them. It is a Core subject in our school where children learn about the teachings of Jesus Christ, the teachings of the church, the lives of the saints, the relationship between faith and life and knowledge and understanding of other faiths. Religious Education at St Alban’s respects and promotes each child’s innate capacity for wonder, awe, reverence and spirituality. Focusing on the Catholic life of the school and our Collective Worship are key components which allow our children to develop as compassionate, tolerant and respectful individuals in all that they do and equips them with qualities that will sustain them in life.
The objective of our RE teaching is provide opportunities for the children to analyse and reflect and develop critical appreciation of sources, to embed learning that allows children to develop appropriate skills and attitudes, which allow for a free, informed response to God’s call in everyday life and to be able to use these skills in other areas of the curriculum. We also recognise that parents are the primary educators of the faith and we work closely with the local parish and community in embedding these strong links. Working alongside our parish and our local community we are building an ethos of serving both individuals and society. Charitable links and service remain a focus of our regular enrichment days/events.