Online Safety
Our New Online Safety Newsletter has just been published. Click on the image to see what is happening at St. Alban’s to help keep all of our children both safe and informed.
At St. Alban’s, we teach children how to be ‘SMART’ online.
S = Be Safe – Keep your personal information safe and secret. Think carefully before you share a photo of yourself or your friends.
M = Don’t Meet Up – Never arrange to meet an online friend because it can be dangerous. No matter how well you think you know people, they might be pretending.
A = Accepting E-Mails Can Be Dangerous – If you receive junk mail (called spam) or messages which make you feel uncomfortable, tell an adult that you trust and delete them. Don’t reply to them!
R = Reliable? – The Internet is full of friendly people and amazing information. However, sometimes people might say or write things which are untrue, so you should always think carefully before trusting what you see or hear.
T = Tell Someone! – Most of the time that you are online; you will have lots of fun. However, if you see something that makes you feel uncomfortable or worried, make sure that you tell an adult who you trust.
The following websites are also very useful for learning more about online safety:

A website funded and run by big Internet providers. Some excellent tools to keep the whole family and your home safe from threats,

The main police agency for tackle Child Online Exploitation

An excellent resource for making sure your child remains as safe as possible

Where you can find Online Safety Tips, advice and resources to help children and young people stay safe online.

Especially for children who don’t know who to turn to – open 24 hours a day

A website hosting a set of magazines which really helps to keep parents up-to-date with issues involving children and young people of all ages