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Equality within Our Curriculum

Our curriculum at St Alban's complies with our duty described in the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 because our curriculum is accessible to those with SEN and disabilities, which can be seen within our curriculum statement and SEND policy.


Equality at St Alban’s

Equality Objectives 2024- 2028

Under our duty to eliminate discrimination, to advance equality of opportunity and to foster good relations between those with a protected characteristic, the governors are pleased to publish their Equality objectives in accordance with our Single Equality Policy:

  • To celebrate our increasing cultural & racial diversity through a range of social & curricular links


  • To identify and narrow race, gender or disability barriers to the attainment & progress of all pupils


  • The elimination of unfair or unlawful discrimination against its employees, job applicants, governors, parents & visitors


  • The positive promotion of policies, procedures and practices deigned to support equal opportunities at all stages of employment


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