FOSAA’S main aim is to support the school. Functions are held during the year for parents and children and can be a way for people to meet. All parents are automatically members of the association. There is no joining fee or annual subscription. The association also offers parents the opportunity to enrich their child’s learning environment. We cannot provide this rich environment for your children without this financial support, so please join in with as many events as you can as it is a wonderful way to meet people and help your child’s learning.
Our AGM takes place in the Autumn term each year. Parents and carers are encouraged to join the committee if they wish to do so.
Regular newsletters and fliers are sent home to advertise upcoming events. The current members of the school FOSAA team and other useful information can be found below.
Committee Members:
Chair: Kirsty Cox & Jessica Damer
Vice Chair: Evelyn Babbington
Treasurer: Angela Witham
Secretary: TBC
Social Secretaries: TBC
Dates for the diary:
E-mail address: