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Year 6 Residential 2024

 On Monday 20th May, our Year 6 Class travelled down to PGL Liddington for their residential visit. We aim to keep this page updated daily, with photos of what's been going on. These updates will normally take place later on in the evenings. Please click on an image to see a larger version of the photo. You can also keep up to date via our Twitter (X) account.


Monday's Blog


We had a good coach journey with lunch at Reading Services. We're now about to meet our activity leader for the week and go to our rooms, before our first activity.

We've settled in now. After having some informal games, we went to our rooms and sorted things out. We've had a room inspection already with no disastrous results! We've also had our evening meal and everyone ate well. For our evening activity, we did an activity called PGL Tornament, which consisted of giant battleships and a can and frisbee game.

We have now got ready for our first night. Goodnight everyone. We promise to settle down straight away and give our teachers a quiet long night!


Tuesday's Blog

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE. The teachers can happily report that everyone has had a good night's sleep with no upsets. We're off to a cooked breakfast at 8 o'clock.

We have now completed our morning activities: Trapeze and Orienteering. Trapeze involved climbing a (very tall) pole and leaping and grabbing a bar before gracefully descending! None of us got (permanently) lost during orienteering. Lunchtime now, followed by Jacob's Ladder, Aeroball, and for some, canoeing.

Our afternoon activities have gone well. Jacobs Ladder was really challenging but successful, aeroball very tiring and in the canoeing, everyone kept the same way up! Afer dinner, we played a game of Outdoor Cluedo, and we're now all ready for a second peaceful night's sleep!


Wednesday's Blog

Wednesday morning! Another peaceful night and we're all ready for a day of Zip wiring, Canoeing, Buggy Building, Archery, and Jabob's Ladder. It's a little damp but everything's going ahead as normal...

...looking back on today, there have been a lot of watersports, even those which aren't supposed to involve water! Yes, there has been a fair bit of rain today, but that didn't stop anything from going ahead. There was some superb accuracy in the archery, apart from a stray arrow that nearly brought down a passing Chinook helicopter. The zip-wire was very popular, giving excellent passing scenery and the children quickly got the idea of how to move around the lake, most of them inside their canoes, playing various team games to improve their skills. There was an 'accidental' capsize (see photo above) although quite a lot of planning seemed to go into it... Some excellent teamwork was demonstrated on the Jacob's Ladder. 

Fortunately, our evening activity has been an indoor one. Not long until it's time for bed. Tomorrow, we are looking forward to such activities as the Giant Swing, Survivor, Problem Solving, and Climbing, with one group attempting the Crate Challenge. We'll catch up with you on Thursday!


Thursday's Blog

Yet another quiet night, with everyone getting a good night's sleep.

Thursday morning has been dry and we've completed Big Swing, Survivor and Climbing activities. During Survivor, we had to make our own shelters as well as make fire.

After lunch, we have been doing Climbing, Problem-Solving and Crate Challenge. The children cooperated well with Problem-Solving, during which the only way to succeed is with teamwork. 

After dinner this evening, we visited the PGL Shop, and the final activity which is just finishing is Balloon Splash. We have sort of started our packing, which will be finished by tomorrow, breakfast-time. 

See you tomorrow!


Friday's Blog

We're on our way home after a busy morning. Two groups did Crate Stacking, trying to build and stand on the highest tower while strapped into harnesses. One group rode the Giant Swing, then all of us took park in the Sensory Trail, trying to find our way around a woodland obstacle course whilst blindfolded. We've had a good lunch, said goodbye to Lucy our PGL Guide for the week and are now heading East. See you soon!

A few more photos will go up here over the half term break. Also, children will have an opportunity to download photos and videos of the residential trip some time after half term.

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